Year Zero - Unresponsive Script Bug Report

The above picture shows me first time attempting to load up a territory in Advance 3D.

The picture above shows what it looks like when switching from Advance to Standard to Advance again. The error does not appear at all.

The picture above is me attempting to load into a completely different map and still receiving the same error.

General – C – It is not a Crash nor Severe as the player is still able to progress through the game without it being shut down.
Operating Region – In-game
Repeatability – Yes, every time when loading into a new territory from the map
This bug appears every time when switching over to advanced 3D. It sometimes pops up multiple times even after clicking “Continue”. This seems to only happen when first setting up the game, after it has become unresponsive once, when you switch from Standard 3D and back to Advance 3D on the same map it does not reoccur. If switching to a different territory the error/bug will reappear with the same personality trait. This bug reappears when switching back to a previously loaded map.
I have come to the conclusion that every time I load into a territory from the map this bug will appear but will not appear again when within the territory and switching from Advance 3D to Standard 3D to Advance 3D again. The error does not only appear once at times, it sometimes appears more than once.

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